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E-Letter — Creating Extraordinary Organizations


You are invited to subscribe to the free EO E-Letter Creating Extraordinary Organizations.



Don Yates write this  letter for readers who see themselves as innovators/explorers/pioneers and paradigm creators not followers.

It provides a wealth of material related to creating an Extraordinary Organization. Readers will find most of the material is also useful in any organization.

These letters are for everyone in the organization. Every organization member is responsible for doing what s/he can to improve it for his or her own good as well as the good of all. The more each person learns, the greater the chance that together they will be able to create their ideal organization producing their ideal results.


The letter presents material of several kinds including:

  • New beliefs that comprise a revolutionary organizational paradigm that makes it possible to create Extraordinary Organizations .
  • Better ways to think about organizational concepts and terms that are often misused or misunderstood.
  • Ideas for organizational methods and processes, some you may see as revolutionary. They will help create Extraordinary Organizations or improve conventional ones.
  • Ways to improve your process of thinking. The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your actions and hence of your results.
  • Stories and cases of organizations operating in ways consistent with being Extraordinary.
  • Recommendations for books, articles, web sites and the like that can help in learning about how to create an Extraordinary Organization


Read Past Issues

To read past issues go to the Archive page. I encourage you to read at least one issue even if you think you are not intersted in receiving it. You may find yor are or know someone who would like to receive it. If that is the case you can

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Subscription Information

The letter will come to you regularly by email every three weeks. It comes in HTML with text backup in case your e-mail program will not handle HTML. The letter is, of course, free. You can unsubscribe at any time so you are free to try an issue or two and cancel if it isn't for you.


Your name and email address will be shared with no one.


To subscribe to Creating Extraordinary Organizations just enter your email below When you click the GO button, you will see a form to fill out to complete the subscription.

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Extraordinary Organizations
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